terms of use

All content featured in this blog is for your interest, and you are reading ice a trail of your own free will. If you do not accept these terms you should stop using the site immediately – but I’ll certainly miss you! A note on that: I do have the right to change and amend these terms so please refer back to them regularly.

Here we go:

I am the legal copyright holder of all content posted on this blog, with the exception of some of the images which may be owned by the guest featured and are used here with their permission. Either way nothing can be reproduced, printed, or copied without my permission. Chances are though, if you need it for a specific reason, I’ll be only to happy to let you use elements of it but you have to ask first! And no, this does not mean I own the rights of all those who feature as guests on the blog.

Trademarks, names, logos and service marks displayed on this website are registered and unregistered trademarks of the website owner and may not be used without prior written permission of the website owner.

I may provide external links for your convenience but they are beyond my control and of course subject to change without my knowledge. Use of any external links provided on this site or use of the contents therein is entirely at your own risk.

I am providing content on this site for your entertainment and interest only. Anything you read that you choose to act upon is entirely at your own risk. There’s not much here that’s of danger but some of my guests pursue dangerous vocations – that does not mean you should! As an example of this, many of my guests have taken personal risks in order to succeed at their chosen vocation. This doesn’t mean that in order to be successful you should take risks to your own safety or wellbeing, be it physical, personal, financial or anything else.

I will not sell any personal information to any other organisation, nor will I submit it to spam lists. However, I cannot be responsible for the privacy practices of any advertisers or blog commenters on this site. I may (and intend to) offer information on activities I and others have undertaken and locations visited (holiday destinations as one example of this) and I may review certain products or services. These reviews and pieces of information do not come with any guarantees from me or anybody representing this website and ultimately any contract you enter into is between you and the supplier of that service and/or product.

Affiliate Links Disclosure:

Bear in mind that some of the links on the site are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their relevance. The decision to click on them is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you. As with all external links on this site I cannot be responsible for any consequences when you visit them so please do read their terms too.

I reserve the right to change the focus, theme or terms of use of this site at any time. I reserve the right to close the site or any of the posts at any time. I reserve the right to amend content on the site at any time.

I am not responsible for the actions of any advertisers, sponsors, guests or commenters on this site. Any advice you take is at your own risk and you should always take proper steps to check information you receive from those sources. Any problems arising from your engagement with those sources is between you and them.

Any correspondence to me, either via a submission form, email or posted communication I will retain unless you ask me to delete it. There’s a chance it will be deleted anyway, so you shouldn’t worry that I store every little thing just to keep tabs! I have to make this statement for those communications that I don’t get around to disposing of. I’ll never forward or publish anything you send me, unless you are a guest feature or blog commenter, without asking you first. By the way, if you are a guest feature, by asking you for an interview in the first place means that you accept to have your comments published (I know you all are aware of that but I have to mention it here!)

In addition, as a guest feature, you accept that your comments and images supplied may be used on social feeds affiliated with this website. This is to attract readers here and I like to think it benefits both parties. Also, please ensure the images you send me, which I am grateful for, are within your permission to supply. I will assume that by supplying this site with images that neither you nor I am in breach of any copyright policies. If I use any images that you supply on the ice a trail social media channels, I do not assume that I own any aspect of you as a personality. In other words, if you see something on our channels that represents you and you don’t like it, you have the right to request that it be removed and we will do so within 48 hours (usually much sooner but give us a chance please). We will not change the image context of any pictures you supply but we may add some text to it (for example Pinterest images). Again, this will only be to attract readers to the article and again, you have the right to ask that anything we publish on social media is removed. You guys give a lot of your time to us here on ice a trail and I’m keen that you view this platform as your friend.

Should you have any questions about these terms of use please contact me.